Cairo Mosque

Al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qala’un Mosque

Visiting the Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qala’un Mosque. What a marvelous architecture! And so much history to share with the visitors…

Cairo Citadel Mosque, Egypt

The mosque located in the Citadel in Cairo, Egypt was built in the 14th century (year 1318) by the Mamluk sultan Al-Nasr Muhammad as a royal mosque for the fortress. Sultan El-Nasir Mohammed was the son of Sultan Qala’un and the ruler of Egypt for about 42 years. The mosque is admired for its large size since it has capacity for 5000 person and was one of the major congregational places in the region of the Citadel for a long time.

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Khan Murjan – The Traditional Arabic Souk & Its Spices

2002 – My first flight, my first stop, the Emirates. A time when Abu Dhabi and Dubai were roads less traveled than they are today. An exotic paradise taken out from the Arabian nights stories: wonderful oasis spread among the dunes where you could easily get lost, extreme safari trips, climbing  up and going down the sands like a “desert montagne russe” run by brave, local Arabs; the flavored shisha and mysterious women hiding behind the veils. Authenticity. Much more than today. Today this is synonym with luxury. Back then, with a newly discovered world of sun and sand, yet untouched by tourism.

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